Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Two things

Two things I love: recycling and sandals. 
Combining the two = the best. 
The Tarahumara tire sandals have always been particularly inspiring, but cutting tire proved to be too frustrating a task for clumsy me.  This website has great tips on how to make your own tire sandals: Primitive Learning Skills, Sandals
So when I passed through this exhibit at the San Francisco Airport, I had to stop and take some pictures...my flights are always delayed anyhow.

SFO Airport Exhibit, Second Chances

Thinking more about my obsession with making sandals, I recalled all the work I have done analyzing  archaeological sandals of the Southwest. One of my favorite solution to desert footwear is the use of entire Yucca leaves, braided, and straped to the foot. The example on the right was taken from the Texas History and Beyond website, where a reconstruction project is also posted.

Texas History and Beyond, Sandals

Other interesting objects from the Second Chances exhibit: the old pesticide containers as a lunchbox? Someone needs to do some residue analysis on that!  But I do need a watering can...my soldering skills are rudimentary, at best, but I can learn if it means avoiding buying something new to make out of scrap!

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